Yoga Barn

Clooneen, Headford

Classical Yoga
and Meditation

With emphasis towards a meditative approach in the tradition of
Satyananda / Bihar School of Yoga


Spring 2025 Timetable
Starts Mon January 13

8.00 - 9:15
10.30 - 11:45
6:45 - 8:00
10:30 - 11:45
8.00 - 9:15
10.30 - 11:45
Duration of all classes in Barn is 75 minutes
No Classes on Following Dates:

Mon Feb 3 (St Bridget's Holiday)
Mon Feb 17 - Fri Feb 21 (Mid-term break)
Mon Mar 17 (St Patrick's Day)

Classes Cost:
€110 Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri (11 Weeks)
€90, Mon (9 Weeks)
.€20 discount if attending two classes per week
Please contact me for more details and availability.

About Mairead and Satyananda Yoga

Mairead Mahon is a yoga teacher trained in the Satyananda yoga tradition.

Originally from Boyle Co. Roscommon, she studied Metal Craft Design in N.C.A.D Dublin and after graduating she set up a craft studio on Sea Road in Galway city.

Mairead regularly attended yoga classes at the 'Galway Yoga & Meditation Centre' during this time. In 2003 she got accepted on to the Satyananda Teacher Training Course and qualified to teach in 2005.

Since then Mairead has taught yoga in schools, the workplace, community centres, day centres and health retreats. In 2013 the Yoga Barn was established at her home in Headford, Co. Galway. Classes have been ongoing from there ever since.

Satyananda yoga is a specific approach to yoga which relates to the Satyananda / Bihar yoga system of teaching. Teachers are trained to the highest standard, with regular in-service training and assessment. Satyananda Yoga is a world renowned yoga system of a very high quality.

The teaching diploma is recognised by Yoga Federation Ireland (YFI), Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda Yoga) and The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY). These qualifications are approved and recognised worldwide.

About The Barn

The Yoga Barn is a lovingly restored barn with fine attention to detail.

The loft studio area provides the perfect environment for your yoga practice. There you can discover a sense of personal peace.

The barn itself dates from the 1840s and has had numerous uses over the years, including a cartwheel making workshop and grain store.

It is our privilege to have restored the barn using primarily traditional materials. It’s also a privilege to invite others to come and enjoy this space.

Your yoga practice here will allow you to take time away from work and family obligations to nurture your health, heart and soul.
Yoga Barn Gate

About Yoga

The practice of yoga starts with the physical body – exercises and postures called asanas. This suits most people because the body is what we know, or think we know. We can see it, touch it and have some control over it. Through yoga we get to know our bodies better and learn to do things which help it to function more efficiently.

We learn asanas which get the body’s energy moving. Through breathing we learn to control and balance that energy. Yoga is often praised for its stress-reducing properties. Stress and tension cause the body to tighten up which blocks energy flow. In yoga we use asanas and breathing practices to open constricted areas of the body and mind. This helps to release and erase tension.

As the body relaxes and opens, the mind becomes calm and less busy. When the mind is less busy, negative feelings - anxiety, fear, and anger - melt away. The mind opens up to positive feelings - patience, acceptance, and compassion. Yoga helps us realise the amazing mechanism that is the body.

Regardless of age, fitness or  flexibility, as long as we practice mindfully and to the best of our ability, yoga works on a subtle and deep level on our whole being. Practicing yoga isn't about getting picture-perfect poses. It’s about being sensitive to our bodies and being quiet enough to hear what our body is telling us.
"When head, heart and hands unite,
an ordinary moment can become divine."
Swami Niranjananda Saraswati
Inside the BarnDivider

Other Events

Yoga Days
Take a Sunday off to enjoy a quiet day of yoga, meditation and relaxation.
We start the day with a 2-hour session of yoga asana (postures), and after a light lunch we then take a stroll in the countryside.

This is followed by an afternoon of yoga nidra (a deep relaxation practice), meditation techniques and pranayama (breathing techniques).

This is open to all, no previous yoga experience is necessary.

The next yoga day will take place on (a date to be confirmed soon).  
Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm Cost: €55. Phone: 087 245 5941

The Maha Mrityunjaya Healing Mantra will be offered some Saturday evenings, 8pm - 9pm. If attending weekly classes at the barn you will receive notification regarding dates for this event. However, you do not need to be attending classes to attend, just phone for information. This is a free event. It is open to all, no experience necessary.

Inside the BarnDivider

Useful Links

Some web links of interest:
The Bihar School of Yoga is a modern school of yoga founded by Satyananda Saraswati in Munger, Bihar, India, in 1963. An Institute of Yogic Studies was created in 1994.
Satyananda yoga is a type of yoga that intentionally centers on the whole person and was developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.


Contacts / Directions

From Headford:
Take the Galway Road (N84) for approx 2km and turn left at Clooneen Bridge (just before AC Tyres). After 100 metres, take a left at the T Junction. The Yoga Barn will be on your left hand side after 50 metres.

From Galway:
Take the Headford Road (N84) for approx. 22 km. Just before the TOP Service Station (Trading Post) turn right on to the L6130. On this road you will see Campbell's Tavern, then after 400 metres the road veers right, After 50 metres, the Yoga Barn will be on your left hand side.

From Tuam:
Take the N17 Galway, then the R333 signposted to Headford. After approx 14km you will come to a Stop Sign. Turn left at this junction and then take the first right. The Yoga Barn will be on your right hand side after approx 1.5 km.
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